Ancients, Forgotten by Time

Miguel, an ancient that's quite famous in the world of Eostella.

Miguel is an example of an ancient-you only need to be more than 500 centuries or older to qualify. He's always finding clever ways to dodge researchers.
Basic Characteristics
Lifespan Usually very long.
Homeland/Main Continent/Home Country Can be from any country, but tend to come from countries with rich, storied histories.
Skin Tone Ranges from pale to dark shades.
Size Usuallly Medium, but can vary if they are an Ancient humanoid/oddfolk.
Is a Magedom Culture Present? Yes; Tend to be Thaumaturges to stay hidden, but can also be Torchbearers if deemed modern enough in thinking to contribute to magedom; this is rare.
Can Have Offspring With Humanoids? Yes
Can Have Offspring with Neighbors? Yes
"On today's venture, we found a sleeping woman in a ruin, who looked similar to the tan-skinned people of Boscuta, the land of the Selabol. She seemed quite comfortable despite the stone flooring, as she did not shift very much, if at all. Curious, my team and I approached her, and shook her to wake her, as surely she had fallen asleep doing something religious in nature-she wore a pale green robe adorned with intricate art of animals and humanoid figures, similar to the holy women in Boscuta, and ruin looked something like a temple the pious Toverian people would use to speak to their gods, though it was moss-ridden and unsafe as opposed to the ones we have seen. The woman awoke, her long black hair dragging along the stone, but when her brown eyes met ours, she gasped, looked around, panicked, and began to yell a single word over and over again. After trying for a few minutes, the woman looked around once more, and tears came to her eyes. I tried to speak to her and provide some comfort, but before I could utter a word, the woman rose to her feet, gave me a solemn look, and walked into the surrounding forest with a newfound calm. It has been three days since then, and we have not been able to locate her." - Howard A. Wilson

Time Displaced Nomads - The Pilars of Ancient Life

Sublunary Ancients

Ancient Mages

Ancient Relationships

Relationship to Humanoids

Relationship to the Neighbors